at 8:56pm Beware of Cupping Marks are they allergic? time to find out
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Cupping marks and what do they mean?
When circulation is sluggish or compromised in an injured or diseased area of the body,
insufficient oxygen gets to the cells, and there will be a local build-up of waste products.
When the skin is pressed, the blanching that occurs is slow to fade.
How long does cupping marks last?
The marks’ color and pattern depend on the level of stagnation in the area
and range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting three days to a week.
Sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary.
If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a light pink mark that
disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours.
Sites where there is old trauma or injury may need multiple cupping sessions to remove all stagnation.
You will find in follow-up sessions the marks will be visibly lighter and lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.
The suction pulls toxins, pathogenic factors, dead lymph, and cellular debris from deep within the tissues to the surface.
These debilitating agents are then more easily expelled from the body.
The deposits dissipate from a few hours up to several weeks,
depending on the amount of stagnation and the patient’s post-treatment activities.
Cupping marks explained
The quality of the pathogenic factors varies according to the severity of the patient’s blood stasis—
which correlates with the nature, severity, and type of condition they have.
These are all results of disease and toxins being removed from deep within the tissues.
The more discoloration that surfaces –
the greater the level of stagnation and toxicity needed to be purged from the body.
Usually, You will see the greatest amount of deposits being drawn to the surface in the first few sessions – this is a good thing.
The deposits will lessen in intensity as the deeper tissues are resolved.
The stagnations and toxins have been dredged up and flushed out via
the body’s circulatory systems, expulsion from the pores, urine, bowls, and sweat.
Sweating is great after the treatment follows up for clients to help eliminate the garbage you have released.
Although the marks look painful, they are not.
Clients usually feel an immediate sense of relief.
How to treat blisters caused by cupping therapy
Blisters from cupping are not normal, if the patient has lot of toxins in the body they show up on the surface of the skin so fluid collects in pockets under the top layer of your skin.
They can be filled with pus, blood, or the clear, watery part of your blood called serum.
Most are shaped like circles.
Depending on the cause, your blister could itch or hurt a lot or a little.
They can appear as a single bubble or in clusters.
This usually happens with people having a lot of toxins;
such patients release lesser blood & may need deeper incisions for good drainage.
With the very first incision, a good Hijamah/Cupping therapist should be able to predict the skin’s condition.
One of our patients, Sara recently seen with severe blood blisters due to binging on sweets; also, she is a diabetic patient.
We have discovered blood blisters on her skin after cupping therapy, and our hijama specialist prescribed a checkup for Sara.
Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer so, don’t take your cupping marks carelessly.
For some patients have (oily skin), so the suction should not be very tight;
If the patient is not draining enough blood, cups should be removed after 5 minutes & applied to other areas.
This technique will prevent the formation of blisters.
Have you got any side effects from cupping? also, how did you felt after cupping therapy?
let me know in the comments.
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